Saturday, 7 April 2012

Who gives you your meaning?

Of course the answer is always God. We know that. But is it the truth? I am reading a book at the moment, "So you don't want to go to church anymore", and it has made me think a little bit. Very substantially, I agree with what I have read, but this question is a significant one.

For some people, they find their value, purpose, meaning in their work. And when work rejects them - as it does to everyone eventually - people lose their meaning. Others find their meaning in family, and when their family reject them or disappoint them, they struggle to find their meaning . I could go on.

But what really worries me is that some people get their meaning and purpose in life from the church. Those who are ministers, or childrens workers or members of the congregation, it is easy to define yourself by what your role or position is in church. What is worse, there is a danger that this is seen as finding your meaning or purpose in God. And for so many people, it avoids the real challenges that finding ones meaning in God implies.

The truth is, finding ones meaning and value in God means that these other things will be important, but not driving you. And when they let you down, as they all do very regularly, that will be unfortunate and difficult, but not challenging your personal value. Let me be clear, just because the church tells you to piss off, does not mean that God does. Just because your work and your family tell you that they no longer need you, that doesn't make it the truth or diminish your value.

When you find your meaning and purpose in God, other things may be useful, helpful, productive and help you find more of God. But maybe they won't. And if they don't, then move on. Because your value in God is the most important thing ever. And you need to find those things that help and support that, not diminish it.

TLDR? Find your meaning in God, not some second-rate substitutes.


  1. TLDR? Nah, read it, could be longer.

    Other things are helpful, which includes the church which I have a love/hate relationship with. Still when the support of the church is withdrawn there's always someone who gives support on God's behalf. And that person is usually in the local church I have problems with (or more often has problems with me.)

    1. I try to limit it to the length I would read, which is very short. I might get around to writing a book with some of my thoughts expounded in more depth at some point. the blog is more for thought starters.
