Saturday 16 February 2013

A return to Victorian values?

There is often talk amongst politicians, Christians, and other conservatives of a desire to return to the values of an earlier time. This has come up especially in the discussion about Same Sex Marriage, with calls for no "redefinition of marriage", with an assumption - tacit or explicit - that the concept of marriage as one man and one woman is something sacrosanct, divinely mandated, or similarly a perfect ideal that would make everything better.

This is, of course, utter drivel.

There seems to be a call for a return to a society where women and children have no rights at all. Where marriage is close to ownership of a wife by the husband. Where, for the vast majority of people, life expectancy is significantly lower, especially for the working classes. And child mortality is even higher. The only people who benefit are the few wealthy, white, males. The majority of people across the world were substantially worse off in this mythical time in the past.

So yes, hark back to these times if you are one of the wealthy, white, men for whom the society was supporting. But if you are not in this elite, life was difficult.

Ah, people say, but they did have a higher standard of morality then, didn't they?

Well, they proclaimed a different - maybe higher - morality, yes. Those who were educated mainly, who normally proclaimed a higher morality for others. On the whole, the morality proclaimed was not for the privileged, educated people declaring it, but for others. They did not always believe this moral standard should apply to them. Yes, there were exceptions, but the moral code they often taught was a moral standard that others needed to follow, for their betterment.

However, there is another reason why this call for a return to an earlier society is deeply flawed. The problem is, we are not "there", we are "here". It is all too easy to say that in another society, things were better, but we do not live in another society, we live in today. We need to apply our ideas and principles to the society that we live in now, otherwise, they are meaningless.

So the same sex marriage debate should not be conducted by saying that some other society was or is better. We live in the society we are in, where homosexuality is a significant part of our society, and we need to work with that, seek to help and support all the people in our society, whatever their sexual orientation, gender, race or whatever. We are where we are, and we need to deal with that, handle that, apply our theology/philosophy/morality to the world we live in, not a world we might wish we were living in (a world, that, usually, never actually existed).


  1. I agree with the thrust of your argument in decrying those who want to return to some imaginary Nirvana.

    But - and it's a big but - homosexuality is not a "significant" part of our society. It exists yes. It's accepted yes. But, 93% + of the population are exclusively heterosexual and less than 4% of the population are exclusively homosexual. Figures alone do not prove but it doesn't help acceptance or tolerance by sexing up the figures nor by comparing the issues faced by gay people today with those faced by the poor or women in the 19th century.

    Yes homosexuals are persecuted but get it into perspective. We aren't talking about the oppressed 95% of victorian england.

    1. I understand what you say, but I didn't say that a significant proportion of our society are homosexual. I said that it is a significant part - as in aspect - of our society. It is very hard to avoid the reality that there are homosexuals in our society.

      We cannot ignore the fact that many homosexuals are living together in long-term, committed relationships. We cannot ignore the fact that much of the prejudice against homosexuals has been shown to not be justified. We are in a different place. That is my point. We cannot turn the clock back.

      Additionally, I was not intending to directly compare these. Just to say that claims that some previous time was better are always mistaken. Whatever aspect of this you focus on.
